Shop with Security and Safety

100% Guarantee

You will receive a refund of 100 % of the purchase if:
  • Your order is accepted , but your tickets are not delivered by the supplier.
  • Your order is accepted , but your tickets are not delivered in time for the event.
  • You will be refused entry to the forum because you got the tickets were invalid . (1)
  • The event was canceled and no postponement date . (2)
  • ( 1) To receive a refund , you must provide an official letterhead of the venue ( venue ) , which specified that the tickets were invalid . A stamp on the ticket as " void " or the like is not a valid test.
  • ( 2) 100% guarantee does not include shipping costs . In some cases , you may need to send the tickets back to the supplier
Sitio con Certificación McAfee Secure

Certified security

In addition to verifying ControlScan , meets all safety standards of McAfee SECURE ™ . site is scanned daily to meet all requirements 24 hours a day - 7 days a week.

The McAfee SECURE ™ seal is a distinction of best practices in the industry, designed for a level of security that a trader must provide customers with better protection when making online purchases.